Sunday, May 20, 2018
Rejeanne Sardo, a WAAH Past President
MAY 20, 2018 — This year our President's Tea coincided with Signs of Life. Held at the Art Gallery of Hamilton, it was also the Opening of our 122nd Annual Juried Exhibition Opening. It was held in the upper and lower level Fischer Gallery. This setup provided an opportunity for members to sit and socialize; laugh and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a variety of cheeses, crackers, and other light refreshments. Thanks to all who contributed in manner of items and time.
Draw tickets, anyone?
Ulla receives Honorable Mention
The Juried Exhibition displayed an array of art under the theme Signs of Life. It was viewed with much interest and high spirit by the many guests. Members were warmly greeted and welcomed by our President, Amanda McKinney Sparrow.
Our thanks to Zorica Silverthorne, our Exhibition Chair, and to our jurors: Melissa Bennett, Curator at the AGH; Stacey Camp, Artist and Instructor, and Denis Longchamps, Chief Curator, Burlington Art Galley.
Awards presented:
Best in Show (The Viola Depew 90th Anniversary Award) — "A Little Glass of Happiness" by Jodie Hart
Honourable Mentions
"Hypnotic Beauty" by Ulla Lenzen
"Signs of Life" by Maria Sarkany
Photos by Anne Redden and Helena Laildaw-Allan

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