ON OCTOBER 18, the WAAH held it's Annual General Meeting at the Art Gallery of Hamilton. Ladies enjoyed an afternoon of business, light refreshments, socializing, celebrating new Life Members and listening to guest speaker Annette Paiement, Executive Director of the Hamilton Arts Council.
Amanda's President's Address
Hello All and welcome to the Annual General Meeting of the Women's Art Association of Hamilton. I hope everyone had a lovely summer and continues to enjoy the ever changing seasons. As well I hope we can look forward to a year of creativity, learning and friendship with WAAH.
This past year on May 20, 2018, our President's Tea, coincided with Signs of Life: 122nd Juried Exhibition Opening at the Art Gallery of Hamilton. It was lightly catered and we had a raffle table as well. A big thank you to volunteer members who helped make the event a success: Zorica Silverthorne, Karen Logan, Jodi Kitto-Ward, Christine Averink Nye, Janet Kahl, Anne Redden, Helena Laidlaw-Allan, Lila Miller.
Congratulations to all the Artists that exhibited with WAAH this past year and a big thank you to all who entered the exhibitions. Please keep creating, there will be many opportunities to exhibit this coming year, both online and in local exhibitions.
A big thank you to Anne Redden for accepting the position of Membership Chair and thank you to Lila Miller for joining the publicity committee. Please look forward to receiving communications from these two ladies.
It is with great sympathy to report the long standing members who passed away this year. Cherished members, Myrna Putns, Muriel Newport, Joyce Muller, Thelma McGillivray and Phyllis Murphy. These Ladies each brought something special to the WAAH and their presence will be greatly missed but always remembered.
This past year has brought many changes. Angela Papalia from SimpsonWigle Law, has been working diligently to bring the WAAH up to date, to be compliant with government legislation. WAAH is in the process of updating documents and procedures.
The more things change, the more it also stays the same. WAAH will continue to give scholarships. However applications will be available on our website and institutions will be required to fill out the forms to request funds. This is standard practise for giving and institutions are already familiar with the process. In addition to our scholarships we are expanding our scope of giving. Please see the Annual report for details.
An exciting new initiative is being planned with the Hamilton Arts Council. The WAAH will be sponsoring the Hamilton Arts Council artist in residency program. More information to come. As well the WAAH is planning to partner with Centre 3s speaker series. More details to come as this partnership develops. We have a very exciting announcement. In the past year we became aware of funds, that allow the WAAH to purchase artwork to donate to the Art Gallery of Hamilton. Karen Logan prepared the details in the Annual Report. A piece from Shelly Niro, an artist from Six Nations was selected. Information about the artwork, artist and pictures are on the table. Please check it out.
2019 is the 125th Anniversary of the WAAH. There are many exciting plans underway. If you are interested in volunteering as a 125th committee member please send me an email., Please check our website for my contact information.
To wrap up 2018, we have planned:
- A card making workshop on November 15, 1-3pm at the AGH.
- December 13, 1-3pm is the next Sketch & Tea at the AGH, level 2.
- December 16, 1-3pm is the Celebrations: 123rd Annual Juried exhibition Opening and Holiday Social at the AGH. It is a free event, but please do bring a new unwrapped toy for the Annual toy drive.
- January 17, 1-3pm Pat Martin will be giving a talk/demo on portraiture.
- February 21, 1-3pm Claudette Losier is our speaker.
- March 21, Margaret Lindsay Holton will be launching her new book and screening her short film, Frozen Goose.
- April 18, 1-3 at the AGH, WAAH will be creating a collaborative portrait of our founder Sara Calder. No experience necessary and sure to be a fun time!
All of our afternoon events on Thursdays are free to members and $5 for non-members. Sketch & Tea only WAAH members permitted. But our openings are free for everyone, so please do let your family and friends know.
November 28, 2019 in the evening we are planning to have a 125th Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser at the Art Gallery of Hamilton. This will be a ticketed fund-raising event. More information to come.
As we look forward, we also look backward. The themes of the exhibitions this coming year, aim to reflect the past, present and future of the WAAH. Celebrations, Traditions and Selfies. Please check your emails and website for exhibition updates.
At this time I would like to recognize our New Life Members: Bernice Bath, Maria Cirella, Judith Can, Fran Gavas. Congratulations to all.
Thank you to Annette Paiement and Angela Papalia for being here today. A special thank you to all the great volunteers, Zorica Silverthorne, Karen Logan, Christine Averink Nye, Rejeanne Sardo, Helena Laidlaw-Allan, Janet Kahl, Annette Ray, Jodi Kitto-Ward, Fran Elliott, Betty Petis, Anne Redden, Lila Miller, and Robbin Pulver-Andrews our new Past President, who unfortunately could not be here to today.
WAAH, is a vast machine with a giant heart. It is the love of art, artists and creative acts that drives and moves WAAH. Looking forward to another exciting year of working to advance women in art!
Photos by Anne Redden